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1. Learn about this resource. 

Residents save at least $25 each month in a special bank account. We—DC Government—match every dollar you save with an additional $4 in matched savings. When you save up to $1,500 over 6-18 months, you can receive up to $6,000 in matched savings, turning your $1,500 into $7,500. You can use your savings for college, continuing education, job training, buying a home for the first time, or starting a small business.


This program is called Opportunity Accounts and is offered by the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB).


2. Check if you are eligible.

You are eligible if all of these statements are true:

  • You live in DC

  • You currently have a source of earned income. That’s money you make from working.

  • You have less than $10,000 in net assets, not including your car or home. Other assets include money you have in a bank account, retirement savings, bonds, stocks, or valuable things you own. To estimate your net assets, add up your assets and then subtract any debts you have to credit card companies or other lenders. Do not subtract your mortgage or car loan.

  • Your household’s annual gross income—your income before paying taxes—is at or below the limits based on your household size. You can check by answering the two questions below.​

save money toward a goal?


This resource is provided by:

Keywords: savings account, match savings, withdraw, credit, interest, goals


This page was last updated August 2024.


Opportuntity Translations
DC Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking

Note: This program is being updated and is not currently available. It will relaunch in Fall 2024.

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